The Andalusian Forge Hidden in an Argentinian Haven

“The diminutive serves no other purpose than that of limiting, girdling, bringing to our room and putting in our hands objects and ideas of a collosal perspective. We encircle time, space, the ocean, the moon, distances, and even the greatest of prodigies: action. We don't want the world to be so huge, nor the ocean... Continue Reading →


Children of Men Premiere: Year 2006 Directed by: Alfonso Cuarón  Starring: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Clare-Hope Ashitey and Michael Caine Adapted from the Book: The Children of Men, by Phyllis Dorothy James (1992) Linger a while, fleeting moment, thou art so fair! Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Sometimes, the place where we belong, which contributes... Continue Reading →

An Unexpected Journey

Last Thursday, August 19, I witnessed one of the saddest and, at the same time, most beautiful sunsets of my life. One of the saddest because my father, Juan, left this world; one of the most beautiful because that golden hour and the extreme contrast it elicits turns any horizon into an ecstatic image that... Continue Reading →


"Since they’d never met before, they’re sure that there’d been nothing between them. But what’s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways— perhaps they’ve passed by each other a million times?" Love at First Sight, Wislawa Szymborska "And if what is of earth forgets you, Say to that earth of silence: I flow. Say to the... Continue Reading →

In the Night, Prague

“I have had a dream. I have seen a great city whose fame will reach the stars,” prophesied the beautiful Libuše. She then rode to the place of the vision and found an old man carving out the threshold of his home. “Here the greatest castle in the world will stand,” she told the man, “and you will be the one... Continue Reading →

Portuguese Music

The Portuguese fado is the poetry that sings the fatalism of destiny. It is the ashes. The depths of saudade opening our heart, sometimes, when we look in the mirror. And, of course, there exists also what is known as neofado, which is the release that redeems. It is fire. The whirlwind of light freshness that... Continue Reading →

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