Know Yourself?

How to recover. at the face of language, The fascination of a newborn child Who hears a word for the first time? Elisa Martín Ortega Letters, word texture: warp and woof Intertwine the invisible with the visible. As the entire language weaves What is sayable with that which is not. I made a door: To... Continue Reading →

An Unexpected Journey

Last Thursday, August 19, I witnessed one of the saddest and, at the same time, most beautiful sunsets of my life. One of the saddest because my father, Juan, left this world; one of the most beautiful because that golden hour and the extreme contrast it elicits turns any horizon into an ecstatic image that... Continue Reading →

The Voices of Infinity

Her hands open and her eyes closed, an old woman who lives on the heights of Na Beanna Beola, in Ireland, whispers to the air an ancient blessing: a traveler realizes he is not alone in a lonely night in the Atacama desert, and he happily manages to fall asleep on a bed of hay... Continue Reading →

Intellectual Nomadisms V

If it's only our profession or career, and that profession or career is no longer required, whatever will we be? If it's only our philosophy, and that philosophy ends up being impossible to apply, however will we think? If it's only our religious belief, and that religion does not actually lead us to a little... Continue Reading →

Intellectual Nomadisms IV

There are those who stop travelling because saying goodbye seems to them an unbearable experience and they fear the muddy claws of nostalgia. But the satisfacton of having been part of the unpredictable convergence of life always stirs the energy up and redeems them from the lethargy into which it sometimes plunge when everything seems... Continue Reading →

Intellectual Nomadisms III

One would think travelling "opens the mind" and all that blabla created around this activity that's no more illuminating than any other anyone else may undertake (dogma!). To make the decision of living and travelling implies a subset of decisions whose reasons and effectiveness is only understood by the person involved (like in any other... Continue Reading →

Intellectual Nomadisms II

Every opinon or advice is given from one's own experience or understsnding of the world. That is why, as Cummings used to say, it may be almost imperative not to lose sight of the adventure of being yourself in a world that is constantly demanding you to be someone else. The word "equality" is so... Continue Reading →


"You will be alone with the gods, And the nights will flame with fire." Charles Bukowski There is the ice-breaker: where are you from, and the search for the shortest path if we  carry a big backpack on our shoulders (we choose the longest road only if we are wandering around or if we understand... Continue Reading →

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